Sara Elizabeth Riddell was delivered by c-section on December 28, 2006, at 2:42 p.m. She weighed 6 lbs, 6 oz., and was 19 1/2 in. long. She is GORGEOUS and after a rough week, she is doing wonderfully!
Enjoy these pictures, I'll add comments later so come back and check these posts again!
She is SOOO strong even though she's so little! From day one she was able to hold her head up on her own. Not for long, but she does. She will be laying on my shoulder, my hand on the back of her head, and she will forcefully push back against my hand so that she can hold her head up and look around. AMAZING!
Arriving home from the hospital the first time around.
Ooohhhh!!! Sooo precious! Such a little sweetheart of a little lady.May the Lord bless her and use her in His service all the days of her life. Love you all.
I'm 25 years old. My husband Brad and I have been married for five years, and we have two darling girls, Sara Elizabeth was born December '06 and Emily Anne was born March '08. We are enjoying being new parents!
You look gorgeous too. Sara looks like Brad. =P
she's soooooooooooooo tiny!!! congrats you guys!
she does.. she has brad's head but your features
She is beautiful. Congratulations. She's so tiny, but she will be grown before you know it.
I am so happy for the two of you and glad that I finally got to meet this little bundle of joy, Miss Sara.
Sooo precious!
Such a little sweetheart of a little lady.May the Lord bless her and use her in His service all the days of her life. Love you all.
She's a dollbaby for sure but what do you expect from the Gram? I hope you enjoy every minute with her (even the tough ones). May God bless you all!
Congratulations!!! She looks so itty-bitty!!! And such long and skinny fingers! I'm sure you are both sooooooo happy! Tired, I'm sure, but happy!
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