Friday, November 7, 2008


Tuesday night I woke up with a sore throat. It got worse throughout the day on Wednesday and that night it got bad. It hurts to even swallow my own spit. (You don't know how much you appreciate that until you can't do it!). And I was running a fever. I had chills so bad Wednesday night I actually was having muscle spasms in my back. I went to the clinic yesterday, sure it was strep. Well it's not strep. They think it's a really bad bacterial infection in my throat. My tonsils are swollen up HUGE! The dangly thing in the middle is actually resting on one. Anyway, when I told them I was glad at least that it wasn't strep, she said she'd rather I had strep! She said strep is easy to treat and get rid of. She doesn't think this junk is gonna be so easy.

The thing is too, that off and on since I was twelve, I've had trouble with my tonsils. Nothing big. Just annoying. Never been seen for it. A month or so ago I felt yucky and my tonsils were acting up and I wondered if it was my tonsils making me sick. It went away though and I didn't think about it.

Sooo... it kind of freaked me out when she said to watch my breathing...if I have trouble breathing it could be a paratonsillar abcess, which is an emergency situation. When she told me that, I told her about my tonsil issues. She said she didn't think it was that bad YET, just to watch it. They gave me a GINORMOUS shot of antibiotics. WOW that stung. My hip is super sore now.

Ibuprofen is keeping the fever at bay. I feel better today as far as I'm not wiped out like I was yesterday. But my throat still hurts. I haven't been able to eat anything since Wednesday night. They said to just forget about eating, and to just try to drink and stay hydrated. Bleh. I hate it. I want to eat, but I can't.

They said that if I'm not significantly improved by Saturday, then I have to come back in.

I woke up this morning at 1 am all paranoid about my breathing. And then my paranoia was making me breathe weird. LOL! So I got up and made Brad's & Sara's lunch for today (torture, I tell ya!) and did some laundry. By then I was settled down enough I could go back to sleep.

I am sooooo ready to be over this. PRAY I get over this soon and PRAY the kids and Brad don't get it. I am trying to wash my hands often and keep everyone out of my face (hard to do with kiddos!).


Erika J. said...

ick! get better! now!

wemmies said...

I hope I didn't wake you up! LOL! I didn't think about it.

And see if you can slide some yogurt back. That would help the infection.

Also! I have some Novocaine/Lidocaine? gargle stuff. It will numb it so you can eat something soft and mushy. Want me to bring it over?

Rachel said...

For real Erika!

I was awake already! haha!

YOGURT!!! GOOD IDEA!!! A nice cold milkshake sounds soooo good but milk is bad for mucous production. Yogurt would be helpful though! Especially with the ginormous amount of antibiotics they gave me.

Lidocaine would help i'm sure but that stuff scares me. I'd be afraid that my throat would close up and I wouldn't feel it until it's too late. LOL! Paranoia again, I know! Oh well. Thaks anyway!

wemmies said...

It doesn't numb it where you can feel your mouth. Just the pain. lol

You could also use warm salt water gargle for that. It would also help dry out and heal.

Valerie said...

lol, the numbing gargle stuff is what they give Seth (when he had strep) in a precription and I never even bothered getting it filled,cause he was scared of what it would do..He is paranoid about that kinda stuff..thinking it would numb his whole body and he might choke on

Anyways, hope you feel better soon

wemmies said...

You don't swallow it! LOL!

I got mine when I had strep. It works long enough to eat. I am keeping for my oral surgery.

Tammy Washburn said...

Bless your throat!
A little baby at our church as the same infection. Something going around I guess.
Pray for ya.

Tam said...

Hope you feel better soon!

mindy christina said...

Yuck! Sounds awful! I hope you are feeling better by now. :)