It was a good day. Except for a few things.
I couldn't get Brad out of bed this morning for church! He couldn't sleep last night for anything so it's not his fault.
It was a good service this morning! Though the kids were a bit rowdy in Sunday School. We were doing ok until about 4 of them had to go to the bathroom. For real. Usually one child says something and then they ALL have to go. I've discovered the persistent ones really do have to go. So Jacob took Tyler with him and I took Allie and Abby. We were okay until I hear a yell from the classroom... so I run across the hall tell themm to settle down... while Sis. Leslie is in the bathroom helping Abby. Sis. Leslie says, "Do you need a helper for your class?" LOL! Usually we're fine but moments like that it would be nice. But I think I'd feel kind of self-conscious with another person in there. I can be goofy with the kids. And there's so many people at Antioch who have been in children's ministry for years... I guess I just feel kind of unqualified sometimes compared to other people. But I love those kids and I love teaching them! Well, God knows. I'll just pray and trust.
Allie had a paper in her purse on which she had written, "I LIVE IN FUNCKYTOWN" LOL LOL I like her spelling of Funky Town! It was so cute. I get insight into Wendy through her kids. :-)
I stopped at KFC and picked up Brad and we had a picnic at the park and walked a couple miles. It was a bit windy but too pretty a day to stay inside!
And then this afternoon I had a BAD headache. Been getting them a lot lately. I think I need to get my eyes checked.
So I didn't go to church this evening. Took a nap instead. I don't like to miss but I really was hurting. At least I had a reporter there!
Guess I'm heading to bed now since Brad is throwing a fit. :-)
I owe Heather a long e-mail. She wrote again. Josh gets to come home on leave around the first of March, and she says she'll come kidnap me if she has to so I can be there. Isn't that sweet? She says I'm nifty. :-)
Love to All, and to All a Good Night
Sunday, January 29, 2006
Tuesday, January 24, 2006
Does Jesus answer prayer in unexpected ways, or what?
Heather e-mailed me! I was expecting to be the one to try to stay in touch, and then she sends the sweetest e-mail with photos and everything. I didn't even know she had my e-mail address!
Thank you Jesus for encouraging me this way! I cried buckets because Heather is so sweet and I don't even get to hang out with my new sis-in-law. But I also cried buckets because I am so blessed. And so is Josh.
Here I was feeling so down about everything and then Heather e-mails me out of the clear blue sky. Wow.
She's going to have a really hard time being without the love of her life for the next 18 months. Maybe we can get to know each other more during this time... even though there's distance between us.
Thank you Jesus! Please be with her and comfort her tonight... Let her know that YOU aren't sleeping either...
Thank you Jesus for encouraging me this way! I cried buckets because Heather is so sweet and I don't even get to hang out with my new sis-in-law. But I also cried buckets because I am so blessed. And so is Josh.
Here I was feeling so down about everything and then Heather e-mails me out of the clear blue sky. Wow.
She's going to have a really hard time being without the love of her life for the next 18 months. Maybe we can get to know each other more during this time... even though there's distance between us.
Thank you Jesus! Please be with her and comfort her tonight... Let her know that YOU aren't sleeping either...
Monday, January 23, 2006
Go West, Young Lady
Hi peoples. I'm in a weird mood right now (am I ever NOT in a weird mood?). So no telling what I'm gonna blog about.
I feel pretty blah. I feel like something is about to happen, but I don't know what. Not sure if it's good or bad. I guess I'm just feeling a lot of different emotions right now.
I'm worried about Joshua. I'm scared that something is going to happen to him while he's over there and I won't see him again. But at the same time, I'm trying to trust Jesus for him and be my usual optimistic self. So it's a big ball of mixed-up feelings.
I wish I was home in Arkansas. Everyone is growing up and I'm missing it. Matthew is 14 and fast becoming a young man. He loves Jesus and he's more and more on fire for the Lord every time I talk to him. He's always excited about something his youth group is doing to help them get closer to Jesus. He's at a time in his life where he is finding out who he's gonna be for the rest of his life.
Bekah is 12 now and becoming a young lady faster than any of us is ready for. I always wanted a sister, but then when she was little I didn't appreciate her (took ALL of my siblings for granted, really). And now that she's growing up, and I need /want to be sharing all kinds of girl stuff with her, I'm really hindered by the distance. Some things you just can't launch into over a two day visit. You need girl time to hang out. And then there's the cool stuff like sewing, crocheting, knitting... I should be the one teaching her that stuff, not some one else.
Isaiah is 8 and a total cutie. He needs his big sister!
I have a sister-in-law that I LOVE already, but I don't really know. I'd love to just tuck her under my wing with this hard time she's gonna have for the next 18 months. I'd like to be friends.
Jon & I used to be so close, even though sometimes I didn't understand a word of his philosophical-ness! But I loved it. Really I did. Very Jon. I miss that. He and Jaci are so cool together. I'm praying for them.
I wish I knew Micah. How do you go through your entire life pretty much taking someone for granted? Age was a factor I guess. He's always been quiet. But oh I how I regret not really probing into him, getting to know his thoughts and feelings. Of all my siblings, he's the one I know the least. I know his mannerisms and things like that, you can't live with someone for so long and not know that. At least, how they USED to be. But I wish I had made more one-on-one time for the two of us. I love him so much, and I hate feeling so far away from him...geographically and otherwise.
And my Daddy. Didn't realize just how much I miss him until driving back home together. I miss talking about stuff with him... he's even easier to talk to now than he was then. He's less... argumentative, I guess is the word. I have my Daddy's sense of humor so I miss being corny with him.
And my Mama... ok now I'm crying. Mama knows I love her and what she means to me. She's my Mama and has always been the best friend a girl could have.
How on earth did all of those pioneer women leave their families behind and head out west, knowing they'd never see them again? Were women made of stronger stock back then? Or did they feel like this too?
I feel pretty blah. I feel like something is about to happen, but I don't know what. Not sure if it's good or bad. I guess I'm just feeling a lot of different emotions right now.
I'm worried about Joshua. I'm scared that something is going to happen to him while he's over there and I won't see him again. But at the same time, I'm trying to trust Jesus for him and be my usual optimistic self. So it's a big ball of mixed-up feelings.
I wish I was home in Arkansas. Everyone is growing up and I'm missing it. Matthew is 14 and fast becoming a young man. He loves Jesus and he's more and more on fire for the Lord every time I talk to him. He's always excited about something his youth group is doing to help them get closer to Jesus. He's at a time in his life where he is finding out who he's gonna be for the rest of his life.
Bekah is 12 now and becoming a young lady faster than any of us is ready for. I always wanted a sister, but then when she was little I didn't appreciate her (took ALL of my siblings for granted, really). And now that she's growing up, and I need /want to be sharing all kinds of girl stuff with her, I'm really hindered by the distance. Some things you just can't launch into over a two day visit. You need girl time to hang out. And then there's the cool stuff like sewing, crocheting, knitting... I should be the one teaching her that stuff, not some one else.
Isaiah is 8 and a total cutie. He needs his big sister!
I have a sister-in-law that I LOVE already, but I don't really know. I'd love to just tuck her under my wing with this hard time she's gonna have for the next 18 months. I'd like to be friends.
Jon & I used to be so close, even though sometimes I didn't understand a word of his philosophical-ness! But I loved it. Really I did. Very Jon. I miss that. He and Jaci are so cool together. I'm praying for them.
I wish I knew Micah. How do you go through your entire life pretty much taking someone for granted? Age was a factor I guess. He's always been quiet. But oh I how I regret not really probing into him, getting to know his thoughts and feelings. Of all my siblings, he's the one I know the least. I know his mannerisms and things like that, you can't live with someone for so long and not know that. At least, how they USED to be. But I wish I had made more one-on-one time for the two of us. I love him so much, and I hate feeling so far away from him...geographically and otherwise.
And my Daddy. Didn't realize just how much I miss him until driving back home together. I miss talking about stuff with him... he's even easier to talk to now than he was then. He's less... argumentative, I guess is the word. I have my Daddy's sense of humor so I miss being corny with him.
And my Mama... ok now I'm crying. Mama knows I love her and what she means to me. She's my Mama and has always been the best friend a girl could have.
How on earth did all of those pioneer women leave their families behind and head out west, knowing they'd never see them again? Were women made of stronger stock back then? Or did they feel like this too?
Thursday, January 19, 2006
Sea of Forgetfulness: No Fishing Allowed
How do you forget once you've forgiven?
Been talking with a good friend about this lately (you know who you are). And now I'm getting (more) experience with this subject.
I forgive very easily. I give people chance after chance after chance, benefit of a doubt after benefit of a doubt. But each time my trust is betrayed, I tend to shut off part of my feelings. The hurt is still there, so I just try to distance myself from it in order to carry on.
It's like, if I DON'T put up that emotional barricade, I won't be able to stop the flood and the hurt will wash me away...
I know that the Lord can help me. My human capabilities are sorely lacking in this area. But really, can you blame me? That key to my heart that I gave Jesus at the Ladies' Retreat in West Virginia... I came away from there different. I really did. Have I taken that key back? Or is it more that I've let someone else steal the key. Maybe there's just junk being shoved underneath my heart's door.
Oh, to have a sea of forgetfulness.
I'll get through this. I've gotta hold on to Jesus. At times like these, I realize that He's all I've got.
This song is me all the way.
All Right Here - Sara Groves
It's every loss and every love
It's every blessing from above
Here I am all added up
Oh, it's all right here
It's what I know and what I'm guessin'
It's half-truths and full confessions
It's why I choose to learn my lesson
Oh it's all right here
And I'm not God, I'm a girl; I confess
That I don't have sea of forgetfulness
No, it's all right here
It makes me stronger and makes me wince
It makes me think twice when I pick my friends
Oh, it's all right here it's all right here
It's caution and curiosity
And it's all the things I never see
Welling up inside of me
Oh, it's all right here
It's what is best and what is worse
It's how I see the universe
It's in every line and every verse
Oh, it's all right here
And I'm not God, I'm a girl; I confess
That I don't have sea of forgetfulness
No, it's all right here
It makes me stronger and makes me wince
It makes me think twice when I pick my friends
Oh, it's all right here it's all right here
Every heart has so much history
It's my favorite place to start
Sit down awhile and share your narrative with me
I'm not afraid of who you are
I'm all here and you're all there
Some of this is unique and some of it we share
Let's add it up and start from there
Oh, it's all right here
Oh, I'm not God, I'm a girl; I confess
That I don't have sea of forgetfulness
No, it's all right here
It makes me stronger and makes me wince
It makes me think twice when I pick my friends
Oh, it's all right here
It's caution and curiosity
And it's all the things I never see
Oh, it's all right here
It's what is best and what is worse
And it's how I see the universe
Oh, it's all right here
It's all right here
Been talking with a good friend about this lately (you know who you are). And now I'm getting (more) experience with this subject.
I forgive very easily. I give people chance after chance after chance, benefit of a doubt after benefit of a doubt. But each time my trust is betrayed, I tend to shut off part of my feelings. The hurt is still there, so I just try to distance myself from it in order to carry on.
It's like, if I DON'T put up that emotional barricade, I won't be able to stop the flood and the hurt will wash me away...
I know that the Lord can help me. My human capabilities are sorely lacking in this area. But really, can you blame me? That key to my heart that I gave Jesus at the Ladies' Retreat in West Virginia... I came away from there different. I really did. Have I taken that key back? Or is it more that I've let someone else steal the key. Maybe there's just junk being shoved underneath my heart's door.
Oh, to have a sea of forgetfulness.
I'll get through this. I've gotta hold on to Jesus. At times like these, I realize that He's all I've got.
This song is me all the way.
All Right Here - Sara Groves
It's every loss and every love
It's every blessing from above
Here I am all added up
Oh, it's all right here
It's what I know and what I'm guessin'
It's half-truths and full confessions
It's why I choose to learn my lesson
Oh it's all right here
And I'm not God, I'm a girl; I confess
That I don't have sea of forgetfulness
No, it's all right here
It makes me stronger and makes me wince
It makes me think twice when I pick my friends
Oh, it's all right here it's all right here
It's caution and curiosity
And it's all the things I never see
Welling up inside of me
Oh, it's all right here
It's what is best and what is worse
It's how I see the universe
It's in every line and every verse
Oh, it's all right here
And I'm not God, I'm a girl; I confess
That I don't have sea of forgetfulness
No, it's all right here
It makes me stronger and makes me wince
It makes me think twice when I pick my friends
Oh, it's all right here it's all right here
Every heart has so much history
It's my favorite place to start
Sit down awhile and share your narrative with me
I'm not afraid of who you are
I'm all here and you're all there
Some of this is unique and some of it we share
Let's add it up and start from there
Oh, it's all right here
Oh, I'm not God, I'm a girl; I confess
That I don't have sea of forgetfulness
No, it's all right here
It makes me stronger and makes me wince
It makes me think twice when I pick my friends
Oh, it's all right here
It's caution and curiosity
And it's all the things I never see
Oh, it's all right here
It's what is best and what is worse
And it's how I see the universe
Oh, it's all right here
It's all right here
Wednesday, January 18, 2006
Things to Remember - Always
Things I want to remember about Josh & Heather's wedding day.
Mama saying things out of the blue on the way to the church. Like, "There's a squirrel! Remember when Josh used to say 'Gweel squeal'? (girl squirrel)"
The look that Josh had watching Heather go into the church as he slowly walked up the church steps. The look that said, "Here it is, the most important day of my life. We're really gonna do it. Man, I love that girl." The look that told me he was savoring every moment. Don't think anyone saw that look but me.
How the preacher said something to the effect of, "Marriage is forever and sacred in the eyes of God. With that in mind, do you still want to do this?" And they said, "Yeah."
Feeling like I was in the way while taking pictures, because that means I was THERE.
Mama and Heather's grandma brainstorming together afterwards about what to do next that would be special. "No, we CAN'T go to McDonald's!"
Mama calling Shoney's to let them know we have 25 people coming, and reserving the room for "Josh & Heather Cook" with no hesitation at all.
Family togetherness at Shoney's.
Heather going, "Oooh, shrimp!"
Heather's Dad telling embarrassing stories and Heather apologizing. So sweet! Didn't offend us, we just felt bad for her!
The adorable shy embarrassed look Josh had when his new father-in-law asked him when he could expect grandchildren.
Sitting in the living room on the couch across from the newlyweds. Josh doing his Josh things(making little noises, doing drum beats on stuff, etc.) and seeing Heather watch him when he didn't know it. You could just tell that every little thing that adds up to his "Josh-ness," she was noticing and she'd just get a look that said,"I'm gonna miss that when he's gone."
Heather telling Mama that once they get through the next couple years, everything will be ok.
A tear running down Heather's cheek as she watches Josh when he doesn't know it.
Josh looking over at Heather with "that look." Not the, "you belong to me now" look, but a true "I love you" look. I've never seen that look on him before.
My little brother is someone's husband now. I'm so glad that someone is Heather. I'm looking forward to getting to know her. I know she's precious. They both deserve all the happiness in the world.
Mama saying things out of the blue on the way to the church. Like, "There's a squirrel! Remember when Josh used to say 'Gweel squeal'? (girl squirrel)"
The look that Josh had watching Heather go into the church as he slowly walked up the church steps. The look that said, "Here it is, the most important day of my life. We're really gonna do it. Man, I love that girl." The look that told me he was savoring every moment. Don't think anyone saw that look but me.
How the preacher said something to the effect of, "Marriage is forever and sacred in the eyes of God. With that in mind, do you still want to do this?" And they said, "Yeah."
Feeling like I was in the way while taking pictures, because that means I was THERE.
Mama and Heather's grandma brainstorming together afterwards about what to do next that would be special. "No, we CAN'T go to McDonald's!"
Mama calling Shoney's to let them know we have 25 people coming, and reserving the room for "Josh & Heather Cook" with no hesitation at all.
Family togetherness at Shoney's.
Heather going, "Oooh, shrimp!"
Heather's Dad telling embarrassing stories and Heather apologizing. So sweet! Didn't offend us, we just felt bad for her!
The adorable shy embarrassed look Josh had when his new father-in-law asked him when he could expect grandchildren.
Sitting in the living room on the couch across from the newlyweds. Josh doing his Josh things(making little noises, doing drum beats on stuff, etc.) and seeing Heather watch him when he didn't know it. You could just tell that every little thing that adds up to his "Josh-ness," she was noticing and she'd just get a look that said,"I'm gonna miss that when he's gone."
Heather telling Mama that once they get through the next couple years, everything will be ok.
A tear running down Heather's cheek as she watches Josh when he doesn't know it.
Josh looking over at Heather with "that look." Not the, "you belong to me now" look, but a true "I love you" look. I've never seen that look on him before.
My little brother is someone's husband now. I'm so glad that someone is Heather. I'm looking forward to getting to know her. I know she's precious. They both deserve all the happiness in the world.
Monday, January 16, 2006
Start Your Day Out Right
Good morning sports fans! Yes, I know that at the time of this post it is NOT morning. In fact, it is about 10:30 p.m. But, as some of you more brilliantly minded people have already noted, it will be morning by the time you read this. And some of you, may not have enough brain cells functioning at the time of morning you read this to even halfway make any sense of the gibberish you see posted before you.
However, as part of a balanced breakfast, I would like to present to you this Breakfast Video, brought to you by Video Google.
And please, remember to pour responsibly.
Adventures with Mike: Eating Cereal
However, as part of a balanced breakfast, I would like to present to you this Breakfast Video, brought to you by Video Google.
And please, remember to pour responsibly.
Adventures with Mike: Eating Cereal
Saturday, January 14, 2006
Christmas : Part Two
We were planning on leaving Monday morning for Tennessee... We were supposed to be back to work on Tuesday. But Christmas night, I got really sick. Puking every hour. So there was no way I could travel. I had to rest all day Monday. Slept on the couch and couldn't eat much.
But that night, Josh and his girlfriend Heather came over with the announcement that they were engaged. He proposed Christmas night. They looked so happy! Mama had gotten a heads up that it was coming, just wasn't sure when.
I feel really good about their marriage. They met at work, and weren't even a couple until 2 days before he left for basic training. Their relationship is based on 6 months of writing letters and talking on the phone. So many relationships are based on the physical aspect (kissing, holding hands, etc.) or just the emotional needs that are being met by being used to having someone (ANYone) around. Josh and Heather have had the space to look at things from an objective point of view.
So while it was NO FUN being sick, it was worth it to be there for Josh's announcement.
But that night, Josh and his girlfriend Heather came over with the announcement that they were engaged. He proposed Christmas night. They looked so happy! Mama had gotten a heads up that it was coming, just wasn't sure when.
I feel really good about their marriage. They met at work, and weren't even a couple until 2 days before he left for basic training. Their relationship is based on 6 months of writing letters and talking on the phone. So many relationships are based on the physical aspect (kissing, holding hands, etc.) or just the emotional needs that are being met by being used to having someone (ANYone) around. Josh and Heather have had the space to look at things from an objective point of view.
So while it was NO FUN being sick, it was worth it to be there for Josh's announcement.
Thursday, January 12, 2006
No Blog is an Island
Ok, idiot me finally fixed her comment settings. I was beginning to feel kind of sad because so much is going on right now, and NO ONE was saying anything. I was feeling kind of alone.
I even tested a comment myself (not realizing that no matter what the USER can comment on their own blog!).
And then day before yesterday I got a sweet e-mail from a girl who ran across my blog. She told me she was praying for Josh and Heather, and for Josh's time in Iraq. Thanks for the encouragement, Tarah!
She ALSO told me that she couldn't comment on my blog!
And then I get a SPESH-UL post from Wendy.... I wasn't ever alone after all. I just had silly comment moderation on without realizing it!!!
Oh me of little faith.
I even tested a comment myself (not realizing that no matter what the USER can comment on their own blog!).
And then day before yesterday I got a sweet e-mail from a girl who ran across my blog. She told me she was praying for Josh and Heather, and for Josh's time in Iraq. Thanks for the encouragement, Tarah!
She ALSO told me that she couldn't comment on my blog!
And then I get a SPESH-UL post from Wendy.... I wasn't ever alone after all. I just had silly comment moderation on without realizing it!!!
Oh me of little faith.
Wednesday, January 11, 2006
Must... sleep...
Back home from Arkansas. Thank you if you were praying for me and my family. Keep it up.
Will post later about everything but right now I have just driven for 6 hrs so I must sleep. Hate to miss church tonight but I'm a zombie.
Will post later about everything but right now I have just driven for 6 hrs so I must sleep. Hate to miss church tonight but I'm a zombie.
Saturday, January 7, 2006
Going to Arkansas
Ok, well my Mama is coming to get me with Bekah, Matthew, Isaiah, and Daddy!!! Pray that everything will be ok, that we'll have a safe trip. And I hesitate to even breathe it, but PLEASE pray we don't get stuck in Tennessee. Mama CAN'T miss this, especially because of me. Josh would hate me forever.
Pray for Private Joshua Cook
Everyone, please pray for my brother Joshua. He just found out yesterday that he is being sent to Iraq a week from Wednesday. I hadn't posted about it yet, was waiting to tell the story, but he got engaged to his girlfriend, Heather, on Christmas Day. She's a sweetheart and I feel really good about their marriage. Well, upon hearing the news they went and got their marriage licence. They will be wed Monday morning at the court house. Tuesday he goes to Little Rock for processing, then back home Wednesday until the next Wednesday, when he'll be sent to Fort Dix, New Jersey. I don't know how long they will keep him there before he's shipped to Iraq.
It's just so much in a short amount of time. Please pray for their marriage as they will be apart for 18 months. Hard for anyone. Pray for his safety. I know that it's just as easy for Jesus to take care of Josh over there as it is for Him to take care of Josh over here. I'm trusting in that.
Pray for my Mama. She's really tore up about this. And pray for me. I can't go to the wedding and it's killing me.
It's just so much in a short amount of time. Please pray for their marriage as they will be apart for 18 months. Hard for anyone. Pray for his safety. I know that it's just as easy for Jesus to take care of Josh over there as it is for Him to take care of Josh over here. I'm trusting in that.
Pray for my Mama. She's really tore up about this. And pray for me. I can't go to the wedding and it's killing me.
Tuesday, January 3, 2006
Christmas: Part One
We left for Arkansas about 1 am Saturday morning. Made it there uneventfully. It's so nice to start seeing familiar land. There's no familiar land here. It's all just familiar... interstate exits. I've shifted my weight and turned my head with some of those hills and windy roads so many times...
Brad and I also talked a lot on the way. We both felt like it was kinda weird because we hadn't really TALKED talked in a long time. We work together. We come home together. I've talked about all this before (still need to do the e-mailing thing). So anyway, it was so nice.
We got there about 8:30 or so. I was so excited to see everyone. Matthew had Christmas lights up outside, he did such a great job. Jon and his girlfriend Jaci came over that evening, and Josh brought his girlfriend Heather over too. That was my first time meeting her. We had sub sandwhiches and watched Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. Jaci did some research and discovered that the "Good morning starshine, the earth says hello!" line is from a song in the musical, "Hair." She fits in so well with our family it isn't even funny. I wish she and Jon would go ahead and just get married. I could be so much more happier for them if they would. You wanna see someone jump on their bandwagon? I'd be jumping for joy if they got married!
Anyway, Jaci and Jon stayed the night. I felt bad because I didn't know she was going to be there, or I would have gotten her more presents. I was pleased with what I got her, and she liked it, but I felt bad as everyone else had present after present after present. I had extra stuff at HOME I could have given her, but did I bring it with me just in case? NO! Sigh. But at least she liked it and it was fun having her around. She taught me how to do the missing knit stitch I needed!
Everyone liked their presents, which was really important to me. I spent hours trying to get something they'd like. The older guys are the hardest. I got each a shirt from Old Navy, a knit cap from Gap, and a cd. I spent hours in Family Christian listening to music so I wouldn't get them something cheesy! Matthew and Bekah got new coats, new music, and shirts. Bekah got a Nifty Knitter to make a fuzzy red scarf with (trying to get her into all this cool womanly arts stuff). She had the yarn I gave her done in about 2 hrs, so I need to send her more! Isaiah got Wally McDoogle audio books, a radio control hummer, new shirts, and Minnesota Cuke dvd. Mama got Ashley Cleveland cd, fleece throw, and Bath & Body Works stuff. Daddy got new suspenders, jeans, shirt, Fernando Ortega. They got more stuff too but that's the highlights. They have had such a hard year and I wanted to make sure they had a good Christmas. Everyone was happy.
Except for Micah. He's almost 17, and so hard to shop for. He has this almost goth/skater boy thing going on. I think the cd (Thousand Foot Krutch) was the only thing he kinda liked. And I tried so hard! Oh well. I'm glad he can take the shirt and cap back at least.
Brad and I also talked a lot on the way. We both felt like it was kinda weird because we hadn't really TALKED talked in a long time. We work together. We come home together. I've talked about all this before (still need to do the e-mailing thing). So anyway, it was so nice.
We got there about 8:30 or so. I was so excited to see everyone. Matthew had Christmas lights up outside, he did such a great job. Jon and his girlfriend Jaci came over that evening, and Josh brought his girlfriend Heather over too. That was my first time meeting her. We had sub sandwhiches and watched Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. Jaci did some research and discovered that the "Good morning starshine, the earth says hello!" line is from a song in the musical, "Hair." She fits in so well with our family it isn't even funny. I wish she and Jon would go ahead and just get married. I could be so much more happier for them if they would. You wanna see someone jump on their bandwagon? I'd be jumping for joy if they got married!
Anyway, Jaci and Jon stayed the night. I felt bad because I didn't know she was going to be there, or I would have gotten her more presents. I was pleased with what I got her, and she liked it, but I felt bad as everyone else had present after present after present. I had extra stuff at HOME I could have given her, but did I bring it with me just in case? NO! Sigh. But at least she liked it and it was fun having her around. She taught me how to do the missing knit stitch I needed!
Everyone liked their presents, which was really important to me. I spent hours trying to get something they'd like. The older guys are the hardest. I got each a shirt from Old Navy, a knit cap from Gap, and a cd. I spent hours in Family Christian listening to music so I wouldn't get them something cheesy! Matthew and Bekah got new coats, new music, and shirts. Bekah got a Nifty Knitter to make a fuzzy red scarf with (trying to get her into all this cool womanly arts stuff). She had the yarn I gave her done in about 2 hrs, so I need to send her more! Isaiah got Wally McDoogle audio books, a radio control hummer, new shirts, and Minnesota Cuke dvd. Mama got Ashley Cleveland cd, fleece throw, and Bath & Body Works stuff. Daddy got new suspenders, jeans, shirt, Fernando Ortega. They got more stuff too but that's the highlights. They have had such a hard year and I wanted to make sure they had a good Christmas. Everyone was happy.
Except for Micah. He's almost 17, and so hard to shop for. He has this almost goth/skater boy thing going on. I think the cd (Thousand Foot Krutch) was the only thing he kinda liked. And I tried so hard! Oh well. I'm glad he can take the shirt and cap back at least.
Jim Brickman & Friends Christmas Concert

The Jim Brickman concert was sooooooooo beautiful. Talk about musical ecstacy! We forgot about the time change, so we were a half hour late instead of a half hour early. But that was ok. Our seats were right behind the orchestra pit!

If you ever have the chance to make to one of Jim's concerts, do (yes, I am now on a first name basis with Jim). He's coming to Nashville in March.
Anyone wanna make it a girls' night out?
Back in Action
Okay, so I know that no one will probably be able to read this post because of how WEIRD this background is to read on. Anyhow, bear with the genius artistic process.
As Wendy so very pointedly pointed out, I am way behind in my blogging duties. But she failed to notice that I am even farther behind than Christmas.
So in order to unlock the key to all things Police Related on Wendy's blog, I will post a series of posts to try to get the world all up to date with my goings-on.
As Wendy so very pointedly pointed out, I am way behind in my blogging duties. But she failed to notice that I am even farther behind than Christmas.
So in order to unlock the key to all things Police Related on Wendy's blog, I will post a series of posts to try to get the world all up to date with my goings-on.
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