Friday, September 29, 2006

Hippie Mama

Ok, I know I'm due for another tummy shot but this is all I've got right now. I'll have to get a real one later. This was taken this week when Brad came and kidnapped me after work, took me to get Subway and brought me to the park for a picnic. It was lovely!! Even when the kiddie soccer team arrived to practice below us and almost hit Brad with a soccer ball, it didn't ruin it!

This picture makes my tummy look funny and distorted but oh well. And how do y'all like my polyester hippie preggo mama shirt?? Ha ha!


Anonymous said...

Awww you look so beauty-ful! =)

Anonymous said...

Pregnant women are sooo cute!

I have a ton of maternity tops that I never use anymore (even if I was pregnant) because my legs are sooo short that they look funny on me. Would be interested in them?