Thursday, March 9, 2006

Two Men who Knew Jesus

One man said that he knew Jesus, and he did. He had spent the last three years of his life with Jesus. He had loved this man. But with a kiss, a token of what should have been love and friendship, he sold his savior for thirty pieces of silver.

And there was another man who knew Jesus. He also had spent three years walking closely beside the Man of Truth. But in his Friend’s darkest hours, he denied ever knowing the One who had given him life.

One man said he knew Him. The other said he didn’t. Both betrayed Him.

The first man, upon realizing what he had done, gave himself over to despair and took his own life.

The second man, upon realizing what he had done, wept bitter tears of shame.

But his story didn’t end there.

The man called Peter wept tears of repentance and rejoiced to find that even though he had not been there for Jesus when it mattered most, Jesus was indeed there for him, ready to receive him back into his arms once again, no matter what he had done.

I am that second man. I may not be a man, and I may not be named Peter, but I too have failed Jesus after having walked with Him. I too have denied him with my thoughts, words, and actions. But THANK GOD that the enemy did not win the battle for my soul! I am so thankful that His voice called me back with Love, and while showing me my sin, He opened wide his arms and accepted my heartfelt repentance and enfolded me in His Love.

Thank you Jesus. Help me to stay where you’ve put me and follow you all the rest of the way HOME.

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