Sunday, December 18, 2005

Christmas time with Family

I finally have some kind of Christmasy stuff on my blog!
I'm so happy. :-)

I really should be asleep right now but I can't. It feels like the night before Christmas! I've been wrapping presents, and it just feels like any minute now, kids are going to come busting through the door asking if it's time yet.

I think that Christmas is more fun as an adult than as a child, now that I am one (at least, headed more in that direction). I really do enjoy giving gifts so much! I could shop for people all day. Oh, to have a bottomless bank account...

I really really hope that I get to go home for Christmas. Joshua says there's a 99.9% chance that he could be in Iraq within the next six months. So this could be my last Christmas with him... at least for awhile.

Why do I worry so much about Josh being in Iraq when anything could happen to him even on the way to Wal-Mart? I know that God is everywhere, and nothing is going to happen that God didn't let happen, and He is perfectly capable of protecting Josh where ever he is. I KNOW these things, but it's still so hard.

I wish we were closer. We used to be such good friends... until I got wrapped up in my own little world. Then we just... lost touch. It was so nice being there for his basic training graduation. I miss him so much.

So this is why it's so important to me to get home for Christmas. I'd miss being with my family anyway, but this year is different.

Who knows what's gonna happen next year?


Anonymous said...

Rach I sure hope and pray you and Brad can come home for Christmas.One time you told me "If anyone can do it Josh can"...and that statement continues to be true now. Ok...about giving...even as a small child You were one who would rather would give than receive! Ok I'll hush now...Mom's can brag you know ;-)

Anonymous said...

:) I am glad you get to see your family...I know how it feels.