Sunday, April 9, 2006

He's not a tame Lion... But He is Good

I love the new Chronicles of Narnia movie!

I ALWAYS have something to say about almost any movie. I'm very cautious of what I put before my eyes. But I loved this movie!

Growing up, I was a big Chronicles fan. I read all of the books, except for The Last Battle, I think.

In recent years, I've been going back and forth. See, my thought process is this:

There are two forces at work in the world around us: The power of God, and the power of Satan.

So if I'm reading about a force being at work, and that force is not attributed to God, but instead to a "Deep Magic", then which of the two forces is it being attributed to?

Now, the difference with the Chronicles is that it is intended to be a direct allegory of Christ. An alternate universe with Aslan as the Savior.

I know that, and YOU know that, but what about my kids? I'm concerned that this idea will cause them confusion.

On the other hand, I know that it is good to encourage a healthy imagination. I think my parents did I good job with me in this area. They were very straight-forward with me. I always knew there was no Santa. But we always had a lot of fun giggling and pretending we could hear hoofbeats on the roof on Christmas night. I always knew there was no tooth fairy, but we were always amused at the thought of Daddy dressing up in a pink tutu to put a dollar underneath our pillows.

Mama always said, that if I teach you that Jesus is real, and that Santa is real, and then you find out later that Santa was a myth, how will you know I wasn't lying to you about Jesus too?

Anyhow, this is just my thoughts and what my thoughts have been in the past. At one point, Brad & I threw away our whole boxed set of the Chronicles. *crying*
Oh well. I've thrown away a lot of things over the years and at the time I felt it was the right thing to do. I want to be quick to remove anything that may be a hindrance to me, and slow to hold on to something that may come between me and Jesus.

But that movie blessed me.


Anonymous said...

interesting...I may have to watch it. I have heard so much negative about it (magical stuff) I didnt know whether to think good or bad.
Are you quitting your regular job and just working at Wendys?

Anonymous said...

I understand exactly what you're saying, Rachel. You know when I read "The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe" maybe ten years ago for a Children's Literature class at college, I would not read it to my own children. I didn't care for the mythological creatures in the story. What with all the spiritual stuff in the world today that we need to shield our children from, I just didn't know what to think about this and I felt it's better safe than sorry, you know? I don't think Isaiah or Micah are lacking for not knowing the story. Now that they are older and on their own, they will probably view the movie, but I hope that they will shield their own children from it all or take great caution.
-- Sis. Connie P.