Monday, June 12, 2006

Monday Monday (la la, la la la la *in Mama's and Papa's voice*)

I'm craving chocolate, in case no one can tell. I have cheap chocolate filled cigar-lookin' Pirouelle type thingys from Aldi, but they just don't cut it.

I had a really good day! Rose picked me up after her doctor's appointment, and we went to Cozumel's for lunch. That was yummy, though I could only eat less than half of it. We had a pretty good talk. Then we stopped off at the house to put my leftovers in the fridge and we took off for Rivergate Mall.

I've never been there, and I really like it! Doesn't feel crowded or over run with garbage like a lot of malls. We had a fun time just window shopping. Looked at Motherhood Maternity, and they had some nice sales. I may go back next week just for a couple things. After looking everything over though I really think that I could sew a lot nicer things much more inexpensively. That is SUCH A BLESSING that I hadn't thought of. I actually have time to sew now! I will probably buy just a few nice things for church and such. Right now I just need some summery things to get me through until the fall when I'll REALLY need maternity stuff.

Yankee Candle there is selling pretty much the whole store at a steal... even the props! It was hilarous. Anyway, spent $5 on 5 votives and two nice smelly sachets. I LOVE candles!

Then she took me home. It was good to hang out, we haven't been able to do that in FOREVER it seems like.

I put away laundry and threw a ton of junk away and straightened up some stuff... Then Brad came home and he had my leftover Cozumel's and I had a bowl of cereal while we watched Little House. I promise, EVERY SINGLE episode makes me cry.

We're gonna go run to the post office to mail some stuff we sold on Ebay, and then to bed. I'd better get to bed early 'cause Becky is coming over tomorrow, and I CAN'T let anyone see the house like this! I've got some work to do! :-)

Later y'all.


Anonymous said...

Glad you had a good day.

Anonymous said...

Commercials will make you cry now! haha!

JoAnne's near Hickory Hollow is going out of business. You should go look for patterns and material!! Can we say CLEARANCE! Woo Hoo! :)

Anonymous said...

what's that?!?! CLEARANCE?!?! FABRIC?! *rubs hands together*

Anonymous said...