Saturday, July 8, 2006

Independence Season, Final Chapter

After we didn't get to sleep until about 4:30 (I really feel for Becky & Rose who still had about a 25 min. drive after they dropped us off) we didn't wake up Tuesday morning until about 11:30. We were supposed to be at Rose's house at 2:30. So we got ready to go, but I was still having, umm, problems. Just when I'd think we were good to go... nothing doing. We finally made it there about 3:30. I was supposed to make a yummy cheesecake tart with strawberries and blueberries in the shape of the US flag on it, but I just couldn't. Oh well.

We had a good time! We had grilled hamburgers and hotdogs, potato salad, baked beans, and chips. It was soooo good. I think that when man came up with the oven God kinda sighed. We had lost all the good flavor of cooking over hot coals. At least maybe now we appreciate it more when we do "grill out".

Rose made YUMMY banana pudding! It had been TOO long since I'd had real banana pudding.

Becky, Chris, Brad & I went to see the fireworks at the fairgrounds in Lebanon, after stopping at an ATM to get cash for funnel cakes.

We got there just in time. The fireworks started after we'd been there about 10 minutes. Becky, Chris & I stood in line for funnel cakes, and it was such a long line. But we were afraid if we waited, we'd lose our chance and we REALLY wanted funnel cakes. Besides, we could see the fireworks from where we stood, and we couldn't have to wait THAT long... could we?

I stood there for a while but then I just had to go sit down. So Becky & Chris were gonna get one for me. I brought Brad a drink and a corn dog (from the stand with the nonexistent line) and sat down to watch the fireworks with Brad. It was a really pretty show! They had several shaped like hearts but my favorite was the purple one shaped like a butterfly. It rocked!

The fireworks ended and Becky & Chris were STILL in line for the funnel cakes, but they were nearing the end. We just decided to stay put anyway and let the crowd thin out instead of fighting traffic. So as everyone else was frantic to leave, we sat in our lawn chairs and, once we got the funnel cakes, leisurely enjoyed our treat. Yumm. It was worth the wait, but I'M not the one who stood in line through all of the fireworks! We finished and began to walk towards the car, just in time because it started raining pretty good just about then! Any sooner and our funnel cakes would have gotten soggy, and we all know that the funnel cakes are what the whole evening was about!

It was a happy Independence Day.

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